Monday, December 19, 2011


Yesterday I was so ezcited for our church service as I knew we would be having some very special guests. We got to host the Asante Children's Choir from Rwanda! I honestly don't think the average person had any idea what they were going to experience!

These little kids were awesome! They danced and had the moves and it was so fun to get to watch. But the incredible and impacting thing with these kids is that this choir is composed of orphans. These children come to America as Ambassadors from Rwanda to help bring awareness and get sponsors for other orphaned children in Rwanda.

I could see so many people truly touched by these children. After all, seeing the pictures of orphaned children in magazines and on TV is a very different thing than having them physically standing in front of you. I think the average Christian would have a totally different reaction to orphans if they had one on one encounters with them. I think David Platt has said it best in his book Radical, "We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they're not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes."

We were met with a lot of resistance from our church as far as being supportive of our adoption. Yesterday, I saw hearts moved as the orphans were given real faces in front of members of our church family. I saw our pastor who was moved to tears and could not utter a single word. I could feel hearts in our church being changed and I truly hope that this is the start of something incredible and that families will be moved to give more and do more for the orphans in this world.

The most touching moment by far was when the children sang this song posted below. To hear these older orphaned children, who stand a very very slim chance of ever having an earthly Father or Mother sing the words "I have a Father, He calls me his own" was really powerful.