My Precious Little Valentines!!!

Last year I had a chunky 9 month old Valentine and a teeny tiny 10 day old newborn Valentine. This year, I just can't believe what my lil Valentine's look like.
Seriously, I have watched this little boy grow up before my eyes these last few weeks - break my heart!

And look who decided to take off full on walking on this Valentine's Day! There is no stopping him now and the craziest part of all of this is the very same day that I have written down that 1 year ago today Malachi took off walking - how cool is that ?!?
These beautiful boys, I am definitely hurt my heart in love with them! I feel so lucky to be their mommy!

Last year, since we had just been released from the NICU and were still getting our bearings on the home front we didn't really do anything. We were kind of in Zombie land I think with deep bags under our eyes.
This year, we still kept it very low key but still made it a special day. I made this super yummy dessert which I have to say Baby #3 has really enjoyed and has been bouncing around for hours!
Our Romantic Valentines Dinner may have changed just a little bit, but I honestly don't mind it at all! I loved having my boys be a part of this love day! Malachi enjoyed his candlelit dinner :) (Eli was just off to the side of Malachi). We cooked some steaks and Homemade Mac and Cheese which is always a hit with ALL of my boys!
And the beautiful flowers my wonderful husband got for me. I truly love him more everyday! I look forward to many many many more Valentine's Days with him!
Wow! Looks like a fun day!
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