Today is Precious Malachi's 7 Month Birthday and I am so thankful he is here with us!!!
This boy is such a joy to everyone he meets! He is a total character and so full of personality - he LOVES to entertain everyone! We had no idea at just how amazing the blessing we had waiting for us when we signed up to adopt!
I am so incredibly thankful to everyone who helped us get him home. To those who offered prayers on our behalf. To those who gave money or garage sale donations or their time in helping us fundraise. To those who offered encouragement to us as we endured the most difficult days of waiting. To all of the amazing people in the adoption community I met all across the country! And the blessings still continue. I still get so much advice about hair and skin care and re-adoption stuff. There is still a huge sense of community and I have a number of people I could call upon to talk to at a moments notice that know and understand and I am so thankful for that!
We have so many reasons to be thankful:
Just this month alone it has been amazing to see him develop and change. He started crawling this month, and has become quite the vocal little boy! He is eating all sorts of things now - every type of baby food known to man plus he loves table food now. He loves potatoes and last night he ate Macaroni and Cheese just like a big boy! He is growing so fast. He also got two teeth in the last month! It is just incredible to watch him explore and discover the world around him as he crawls around! Do I sound like a first time parent or what?!? But I think it is amazing to watch the development of a baby.
He is a true blessing that we are so thankful for! He brings us so much joy on a daily basis. Even when the days are difficult we couldn't imagine our life without him, but we are very fortunate in the fact that most days are very full of joy and fun! He is truly a very happy, content, laid back little guy!
Happy 7 Month Birthday Malachi - we love you so much!
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