Sunday, May 22, 2016

New Orleans Part 3

After another night in Mississippi, it was time for me to head back towards Louisiana.  But before I rejoined my husband in New Orleans, we still had a bit more exploring to do.  Now through our journey's I was still yet to find a city that I really liked.  But as we drove to Baton Rouge that day, it seemed like it could be a decent city, although LSU might be the reason it was so beautiful and I liked it so much. 

We took a little bit of time to explore the LSU campus, met a nice security guard and chatted with a few other staff members when we met Mike the Tiger! I did appreciate how nice and kind the people seemed everywhere we visited! 

Mike the Tiger's home! 

Eli's bunny outside the stadium 

And after searching and searching the enclosure we finally found Mr Mike sleeping in a corner. One of the staff passing by told us that he had spent the week at a vet and had just returned that morning, so I guess we were lucky to get to see him. 

Then it was time to head back towards New Orleans, with a stop at Nottoway Plantation on the way. 

The Plantation was very impressive but the history of it all just still made me kind of cringe. Especially as the tour tried to put a very white spin on the the history of slavery, that really kind of bothered me. But I guess it was kind of fun to see the history of how the rich lived back in the day. 

And then we took the back woods country to New Orleans.  We passed oil refinery after oil refinery. We were definitely in the midst of blue collar America here, from the homes to the obvious places of employment. But it was a cool part of the country that I certainly would have never expected to see.  

And then I was returned safely to my wonderful husband who was wrapping up his work conference by this point in the week so we could have a little bit of time just the two of us before heading home!