Saturday, May 21, 2016

New Orleans Part 2

We slept in a bit the next morning and then had to make a decision on our day. As I quickly learned, the weather down there is completely unpredictable.  In general, I think we had a perfect week of weather for our trip. It wasn't too hot as it was pretty overcast, the humidity was relatively low (at least for this part of the county) and there was usually a breeze with temps in the low 80's that just kept things generally comfortable. 

I had really wanted to go go Pensacola and play on a nice beach. The forecast for Pensacola was looking a bit iffy but we decided since that was the plan to just head out there and see what happens. This ended up being a very good decision as Mississippi became a total mess and we wouldn't have even been able to leave the house if we had stayed there. They had severe thunder storms, tornado warnings and flash flood warnings all day.  While by the time we drove through Alabama and got to Pensacola, the forecast for Pensacola was great and we were able to have a very pleasant day on the beach! 

Of course our day had to start off at Waffle House where we were served way more food than we could ever eat, but the price is so cheap that you order it anyway! Yes, I know it's not the best food but seriously, is is a must stop once per trip when in the south.  

Then it was off on the couple hour drive to Pensacola.  Pensacola will forever be a special city to me so it was fun to get to go there and revisit some old memories.  We also had plenty to talk about on the drive as Megan and I hadn't seen each other since Christmas. 

The weather was overcast but that made the beach perfect!  It was still warm but had a pleasant breeze and I still ended up sunburned.  We just had a fun time walking the beach and putting our feed in the amazingly soft sand and warm ocean water! 

Of course the critters had to come with us too!

It was a really wonderful day and as most of our other trips to Florida haven't been my favorite, it was nice to finally have a glimpse of the Florida that everyone loves. It was really beautiful and I can understand why the pan handle is such a popular vacation spot!  

Then we drove the long drive back to Mississippi for the night. Fortunately by the time we rolled back into town close to 8:00, the storms had all passed and we had another pleasant night!