Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Update of sorts.........

This week has been yet another crazy busy week. More so physically for me and more so mentally for Peter. So far this week Peter has had no meetings at night or interviews that put him behind on time and he has also barely had any homework. It has been a nice break for him and in perfect timing with all of the information rattling around in his head. He is having such a difficult time with this job decision and fortunately he was able to get an extension from KPMG until next Wednesday. It will be so nice to have this all over with. Peter is driving himself nuts right now. He did get his counter offer from AKT (it was a little bit disappointing) and has spent most of today back and forth emailing with the recruiters at both firms getting his questions answered. He is also in contact with a friend at AKT and my relative at KPMG to help him get the inside scoop about the real life inside both firms. I think we are about 90% sure on which offer he is going to accept, but still, things COULD change. So that is all the information that you get until we are 100% sure. ;P Oh yes, KPMG sent him a sweatshirt and fancy pen today in the mail and they also are giving us 4 Blazer tickets next week!!! They are schmooozing as I like to call it!!!

In the little bit of non-job offer related news. I am extremely busy at work this week. 11 hour days all week and a full day on Friday (my half day). It is helping us financially so I shouldn't complain, but it is definitely a challenge to face the alarm clock at 4 in the morning. My back is doing surprisingly well this week. I am very thankful for that with how busy I am at work. Usually I would be in a lot of pain at this point in the week but I went to the doctor last week and he gave me a new prescription to try and it seems to be working very well at this point in time. I also ordered a chi-machine. My doctor claims that this just might be the miracle cure for my back pain and so I am actually looking forward to getting it!! I will update on how it works when it arrives!!!

I am off to bed for now. Time is ticking away and 4 AM will be hear before I know it (or want it)!!!