Well Black Friday was a success!!! An exhausting success, but a success!!! We got to Best Buy around 4:30 and joined the line that was
haf way around the back of the building already. We waited in the cold until 5 when the line started moving. They were only letting so many people in the store at a time so we had to wait probably about ten more minutes before getting the store. We quickly found the computer and were surprised to find that they had several of them. We got put in the computer line and waited.................... for an hour and a half. It was a pretty miserable wait, they were only letting people with computers check out from one little area of the store and I guess the computers went down in that area so instead of letting us check out with everyone else, they just made us wait until they were fixed. We finally made it out of Best Buy after 7 and were on our way to the mall. Basically everything in
JCPenny's was 50% off. We bought Peter some dress shirts and ties and decided to not waste time looking around the rest of the store as it was so crowded. We found our way down to
Cinnabon and quickly did a little bit more shopping at the mall and got out of there as quickly as we could. The mall was worse then I ever remember it being on a Black Friday. After the mall we went to Target. Didn't find too much there, but we didn't look to hard either. I think we were so tired by the time we made it there that we just wanted to go home.
We were home a little after ten and decided to lay down and take a nap. We slept for a couple of hours and then woke up and demolished our house. It is weird how much moving and rearranging we have to do to fit any Christmas stuff in our house. We have everything decorated now, except for the lights outside which will be coming soon! We ended the night with a pizza and a relaxing night in front of the t.v.!!!
Here are the pictures I promised.

This was my Living Room!!! As you can see the monitor on Peter's laptop no longer worked so he had to set up a monitor and little workstation to use it. It became the perfect little storage place for my pack-rat of a husband.
Christmas Decorations!!!
Our Stockings!!
Our Christmas Village!!!
More Christmas Village
Our Disney Tree!!!
To top it all off!!!
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