Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2 Months

It is hard to believe it, but the past 2 months have flown by! Elias continues to grow and is discovering the world around him!

He is a total snuggle bug and does not like to be put down for even a few minutes. This is a challenge, but Malachi grew out of the snuggly phase so fast that I am enjoying my baby snuggles with Eli :)

He also loves to be sung to and hummed to. I am no good at singing, but my voice calms him down so I guess he enjoys it! He also loves to be rocked!

Some new skills he has learned this month are:

Smiling at 5 weeks
cooing at 7 weeks
Rolling over at 7 weeks

He now sleeps in 7 hour stretches at night which we love! He can go about 3-4 hours during the day between feedings. He is doing great!

At his pediatrician appointment today he was:

22" long (4" since birth) which is the 5-10%
10 lbs 9 ounces (5 lbs 4 ounces since birth - almost doubled his weight!) which is the 10-25% for weight!

So he is already starting to catch back up to his peers!
We continue to love and adore our baby boy! He is definitely changing fast and becoming more interactive which is always fun :)


"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

WOW 2 months already? He is a squeezable cutie!!! :)