We had a crazy busy Easter weekend with the kiddo's. Not only did we get to celebrate Easter, but this year was extra special as it included Malachi celebrating his birthday on Easter day!
We kicked off the weekend with egg coloring on Friday night!
I have been one of those people totally caught up for the last 2 months waiting on that giraffe to have that baby! We were definitely suspicious as we went to bed Friday night that something was up, and that was confirmed when I got a text at 4:30 in the morning telling me it was time. Peter and I laid in bed watching this giraffe labor until about 7 AM when the sweet little baby arrived. It was extra cool because the kids have been watching too and woke up just a few minutes before the baby was born. We all had fun watching the baby be born and learn how to walk and nurse! Good little education for the kids and they loved watching!
But that made for a very early for a very busy day. Next we made some "resurrection rolls" for the kids to eat after we came home from church that evening.
Then we were off to an adoptive family luncheon and egg hunt at our church. Malachi loved hanging out with other adopted kiddo's especially because so many of the kids around his age were also from Africa.
All the kids had a blast running around and hunting eggs!
The rest of our Saturday was spent wandering the mall, eating and playing at Chik-Fil-A, church service in the evening and enjoying resurrection rolls before bed. We were all tuckered out, but had another crazy busy day the next day!
Of course we were awoken early by the kids who were eager to find those Easter baskets!
But this morning was extra special, because my sweet baby boy had also turned 7 years old!
We had bunny butt pancakes and of course eggs. Peter fixed up his pancakes into something REALLY special, inspired by a breakfast we had in Jamaica!
Traditional Easter picture of my loves!
And then it was party time! Not only were we celebrating Malachi's 7th Birthday, but we also were celebrating Sabrina's 5th Birthday that comes 2 days after Malachi's birthday! Normally we do separate parties but this year they wanted to do everything together and they both wanted a Moana party so it worked out well!
How have they grown this much this fast?!?
After some dinner, it was time to hit the backyard for the traditional, massive egg hunt! Thankfully the weather which has been quite nasty this year held out for Easter!
After presents and cake, the kids wanted to go play outside which resulted in hours of baseball practice until dark. It was a wonderful albeit busy weekend!

It's hard to believe how fast these first 7 years of being a mom have come and gone! I am so blessed with an easy firstborn! I often times say that I am so thankful he is resilient and smart because he's been the guinea pig child and we've made a lot of mistakes. But this kid is something special and I am reminded of that often! I am told often by strangers and friends that he is such a kind and nice kid and he really is! He is loving, helpful, kind and gentle, very smart, funny! He's pretty much the whole package! I've known since before I even held him that God had a special plan for his life and I still believe that to this day! We prayed and prayed about what to name this sweet kid and I truly believe God chose for him to be Malachi - My Messenger. Even if he's growing faster than I would ever choose, it is fun now watching him leave the little boy behind and grow into just a boy!

Malachi, we love you so much! You've brought so much joy into our lives. As two introvert parents you've stretched us a bit out of comfort zone with how out going you are, but it's good for us! You are a true blessing! You have so much to offer this world and I can't wait to see where your brain, your kindness, and gentleness will lead you in life. I can't believe my chubby little baby boy is already 7, but I am thankful for every day we have had with you! You were a long awaited and much anticipated little man! Thank you for being the wonderful and fabulous son and big brother you are! We couldn't have asked for a better leader of the pack, you lead your younger siblings better than I could have ever expected. God wrote the best story when he brought you into our family! Thank you for filling our lives with so much joy and happiness just by being the silly and happy little boy you are! Much love my handsome 7 year old!