Friday, January 20, 2017

Things I'm Loving Today

We're coming out of a busy few weeks of life with Peter at work and the kids coming off of being sick oh and numerous snowed in days. That whole combination has been a little bit rough. But I always want to reflect on the positive and today I have several things that I'm loving.

1) I love that when I was awoken by terrible screams from our 2 year old in the middle of the night and went running, she clung so tight to me because she knew she was safe in my arms.
2) I love that when Peter kisses me goodbye every morning, he has to walk through a maze of children who have found their way to our bedroom floor.
3) I love that Malachi can make the kids breakfast now (and find it even more hilarious that he once made them cumin and sugar toast because he thought it was cinnamon).
4) I love that Malachi wore my big ole fur lined boots this morning when he unloaded the dishwasher.
5) I love the sound of kids running through my house, giggling and playing with puppies.
6) I love that I have the privilege to spend my day at home with my children.
7) I love that the kids are old enough to start helping out with chores.
8) I love that the kids have spent most of the day making a lot of noise and messes, but it also means they weren't sitting in front of the tv or kindle.
9) I love that I get to teach the kids and watch them learn and celebrate every milestone with them!
10) I love that our last kiddo is 90% potty trained now.
11) I love that Malachi has a huge interest in cooking and loves to help me make dinner.
12) I love that we have sports games (in this case basketball) to look forward to with the kids on Saturday morning.
13) I love that for the first night in awhile Peter is home and NOT stressed and we can just relax tonight!
14) I love that all the snow and cold air is gone so I can run!
15) I love little wet footprints and kids bundled up in towels after bath time.
16) I love how miss Bina wants to sleep in her brother's room or next to our bed.
17) I love little whispering kids all bundled in their room together at bedtime.
18) I love that my husband cleans the kitchen each night.
19) I love the time we have to snuggle and chat after the kids finally go to sleep.
20) I love climbing in my cozy warm bed at the end of another long day.