Wednesday, February 6, 2013

For Sale

Remember oh, just a month ago when I talked about 2013 and the year it would be?  Well, it was SUPPOSED to be a year that we kind of took things easy and there was certainly no mention of selling a home involved with it!  Well, if I have discovered anything about our life together, I believe that "taking it easy" just isn't in our vocabulary.  We are always moving full steam ahead for something.

So, as of 2 days ago our home is officially on the market!  I honestly can't even explain the details that led us to this decision but it was definitely something that we would be pursuing sometime in the next couple years anyway.  I guess it wasn't on our agenda because we didn't really consider it as a possibility.  Pretty much everyone knows that the real estate world has just plain STUNK the last few years.  Well, all of that just might be changing and we thought, well hey if we can sell our home for what we want now would be a great time to buy something else before the market really starts going back up (and while interest rates are still super low too!)

Our home has been really great for us.  When we bought it 4 years ago we were hoping we had all sorts of hopes and dreams (which NOTHING went according to OUR plan).  We were thinking this house would be perfect for the baby we hoped to soon have and then a few years later we would have another one.  All that to say, we certainly did not think we would so quickly have 3 little ones in our home! This home has been really nice for us, but it is time to find something a little bit bigger for the family we now have (and will continue to grow down the road).  We feel we are in a great place right now to make a big move like this, even if keeping our house "show ready" is a huge chore with 3 little one's!

So, here we are.  Testing the market to see if we can get any bites with no real plan of where we're headed! Lots of fun for our family of 5 :)