Our sweet little Bina Baby is now 4 months old. I don't know why, but for some reason knowing she is 4 months old makes me really sad. 4 Months is my most favorite age, so maybe I'm a little bit sad that I know she is going to be blazing right on through it now. She is growing so fast and getting interactive with everything around her! This month she got to try out the exersaucer, which she loves. Next will be the jumperoo!
Sabrina still hates tummy time, but we are trying to get her to spend more time on it. She has (once) rolled over from tummy to back now and is very close to rolling from back to tummy. The boys just eat her up whenever she is around. Here Eli is trying to comfort her while she did tummy time:
Sabrina is still doing amazing in the sleep department! She goes down right at 7 PM and wakes up for the day between 7-9 AM. I feel so sooo lucky to have had all of my kids be amazing sleepers (at least while they were babies!). She is now taking 2 regular naps a day, which I love having everyone on a schedule! She takes her morning nap around 11 and her second nap around 4 in the afternoon. Unfortunately her naps are the complete opposite of when the boys nap, which pretty much means I never have a free moment. But that's okay. These days will go too fast as it is.
Sabrina now weighs 13 lbs 2 ounces. That is barely a 2 ounce gain for this month and puts her in the 10-25% now. I am not overly worried because Eli had a month like this just about at this very same time, but I will bring it up with the pediatrician just in case. She is wearing all 3-6 month size clothes now and is still in size 2 diapers.
After her 12-14 hour sleepytime, she eats about every 2-3 hours during the day. She is also getting breakfast and a babyfood snack before bed. I am really enjoying making my own babyfood. It is super easy and also very economical! So far Sabrina has tried Banana, Peaches (her favorite!), avocado, green beans and carrots. Tonight she will get to try out peas and then I will also be making some applesauce for her. She is doing awesome with food!
Sweetie Pie, we love you so much! You are my little princess in every way! You are just the sweetest little thing! I love that you have your daddy's dimples and so far seem to be keeping those gorgeous blue eyes (fingers crossed!). You are pure joy little girl! Here's to another amazing month!
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