Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Sabrina's 10th Birthday

They all continue to grow too fast!  It is unbelievable to me that my precious little happy baby Sabrina is growing into this incredible young lady right before my eyes!  I adored her as a baby and I adore her as a big kid too! 

Her 10th Birthday was a VERY big deal to her and it is to me too, double digits!  She wanted to go someplace nice and new for her birthday lunch!

They were both mesmerized!

Then off to one of her favorite places to play games. This girl is pretty dang good at getting stuffed animals, balls, candy out of these machines!

Then we had a little party to celebrate our ballerina! 

All she really wanted for her birthday was an electric scooter and she was thrilled when she opened it!

Happy Birthday Sweet Sabrina! It has been a joy and privilege to watch you grow up over these last 10 years. You are growing into quite an amazing young lady. It is so fun to talk to you and spend time with you as you get older. I love how you talk a mile a minute. I love that you are silly and fun. I love seeing you grow into all God wants you to be. You are smart and tenderhearted. You love animals. You are up to try any new experience and have so many hopes and dreams for your future.  I can't wait to see all the amazing things you will do in your life!