Thursday, May 12, 2022

Leeland 6 Months

6 Months have passed way too fast, that is all I am going to say about that! But we have loved having Leeland join our family and he feels perfect in every way to us!  

Leeland now weighs about 17 lbs.  Putting him around the 40% for height and weight.  He is fascinating us with all his new tricks and we couldn't believe how early he started crawling. He also sits up now! So he loves to explore. He is trying more and more new foods. We've started adding some baby led weaning foods (toast, steamed apples, eggs) into his routine of purees. He really likes the real food!  He still eats around the clock which is a bit of a bummer because we are TIRED parents.  We cannot figure out how to get this boy out of the sleep rut but we keep trying!  I am not a huge fan of crying it out and even the few times we have tried to, he never relents so it doesn't really work anyway.  He's strong willed like the rest of us in this house! 

All that to say he has a very sweet personality, loves his siblings and is generally happy and loves to explore. He really only gets upset when he is hungry or tired so he's pretty easy going. He is already getting quite clingy to mama which feels really early. Honestly everything he's doing feels really early! We love him so much and are enjoying him so much! He's as sweet as sugar!