Monday, December 20, 2021

Leeland 2 Months

Well, here we are with our little baby already growing up so fast!  Leeland is 2 months old and we are loving this little addition to the crew! It still takes me a minute sometimes to realize that I have 6 kids, counting kids in the car can sometimes take me a minute! 

Leeland is a perfect little blessing!  He is a whopping 12 lbs already and we just love all the chub!  The best part of this month is how he smiles!  I love watching him interact with his big siblings! All in all things are going well, I got my wish and the little guy loves to be snuggled all the time!  He thinks he's bigger than he is and tries to rollover from his back to his stomach but can't quite get there from his side just yet.  I don't want him to grow up too fast so he needs to slow his roll! 

Our biggest challenge is night time sleep. Much like Ayla, this guy would prefer to sleep all day and play all night.  We are doing what we can to try and help him get things straightened out but we know it might just take some time.  When he does get to sleep he generally gives us a 3-5 hour stretch of sleep, but we've had a lucky couple nights where he's gone as far as 7 or 8 hours!  He's obviously growing and chunking up so we don't have much to worry about with his eating but nursing is going really great (stick THAT to the lactation consultant Peter overheard saying that we were going to fail) and he eats pretty regularly in about 3 hour intervals.

We are definitely approaching our favorite "baby months".  There's something sweet and special about the transitional months where they know who you are and interact with you but aren't busy moving and exploring.  We are looking forward to celebrating his very first Christmas! A little baby around the holidays makes them that much more magical!  We just have to pinch ourselves because adding this little guy has just brought that much more joy into our lives.  I can't believe all my dreams have come true and I have this big ole adorable family to love! 

I thought it might be fun to look back on some of the gender old wives tales now that we know who this little one is and see if they were correct:

Carrying low: Boy 
This was probably the biggest thing that made me think boy.  Both of my boys I carried very low and my girls very high. Also interestingly, I went into labor with both of my boys before 39 weeks and both of my girls were inductions after 39 weeks.

Better skin: Boy
I have notoriously bad skin to begin with but I did have better skin this pregnancy and in general I had better skin with my boys and worse acne with my girls. I could see there being something to the hormones here.

Body running hot: Girl
In general I feel hot when pregnant lol

Fast heart rate: Girl
I thought there was something to this one but the heart rate was high all along. This was the biggest reason I thought maybe baby was a girl.  

Craving salty foods instead of sweets: Boy
I didn't really have a lot of cravings this pregnancy because I felt pretty awful the whole time but I did not really want sweets.

Chinese Gender Chart: Boy

Morning Sickness: Girl
I was sick pretty much the entire pregnancy so this was definitely wrong

Baby Leeland,  We are enjoying you so much. I love love love how snuggly you are. I sometimes lament that I can't accomplish much but I know you won't be this snuggly baby forever so I try to enjoy every second that you want to sleep on my chest.  You have the cutest little crooked smile that melts my heart into a thousand pieces. You have the saddest little pouty lip and you can get whatever you could ever desire from mommy if you keep that up!  You are just the most perfect gift I could have received this year and we all adore you! You are so loved!