Saturday, April 16, 2016

6 Years Old

Yes it is true, my sweet baby boy is now 6 years old.  Wow, time flies when you're raising a house full of littles! 

Gone are the baby days and we're now in a world of taekwondo loving, sports transporting, lego building boyhood!  Its been a very fun transition but especially with him, he just grew up so fast.  I hate that I missed those first almost 4 months of his life. I wish I could have been there to snuggle him every night.  Then when we did have him in our arms, we only had a short 6 months with him before he became the big brother, and he didn't want to be the baby long either. He was walking by 9 months, talking up a storm soon after and has always been the one eager to learn and try new things. Yep, sounds like a typical oldest child, and he pulls off that role amazingly. But I just want to bottle him up just the way he is right now because he's perfect!

Last weekend we had a fun birthday party for my guy!  He wanted a Rescue Bots party and so that is what he got!

Then today was Malachi's fun day!  Starting with the breakfast of his choice, maple bars!

Little Sis loves donuts too! 

Then it was off to his first excursion of the day, a few rounds of bowling! 

I love both of these guys with all my heart!  

Then another birthday cheeseburger for the burger loving boy! 

And a stop for some free ice cream, of which we finally convinced him to try something besides vanilla and he loved some cookie dough! I think I got him hooked on my fav! 

He picked out some great stuff as our gift to him too! There was a very strong Star Wars theme to everything again this year! 

And at his request, Apple Pie for dessert. Sometimes he just takes my breath away with how much he's growing up! 

Oh sweet baby boy, how have you grown up so fast!  I think back to 6 and 7 years ago and how badly I was longing to know who you were. I wanted nothing more than to be a mommy and to be given the gift of walking through life as your mommy has been more than I could have ever hoped.  You are the most amazing big brother a mama could ever hope for. You're so kind to everyone, gentle in spirit, happy and loving.  You're the smartest little cookie and work hard in school.  You're fast and busy and full of so much energy!  You are talkative and outgoing and put us introverts to shame with how friendly you are to everyone we come across. You're funny and everyone loves to listen to the things you come up with!  All around buddy, you are a wonderful kid!  You were so worth the wait we had to endure to have you in our lives!  I know your journey to us doesn't come without hurt and pain that will always exist as you mourn the loss of your first family. How I wish I could take that pain away or answer the questions you long to know.  But I also know God wrote a wonderful story when he brought you into our lives.  We couldn't have asked for a better son or leader of the pack.  You're one of a kind and I've known since before I even saw your face, that God has plans for your life!  I can't wait to support you, love you, and watch you continue to grow into the amazing little boy and someday man that I know you will be!  You are a blessing!