Thursday, September 5, 2019

New School Year

Now that everyone is back in school in our area it feels like life is settling into that fall routine.  We're actually about 5 weeks into our school year over here, later than we start most years but early enough that I hope we can accomplish a lot before baby comes!  

It has been a bit of an adjustment period for our family, especially starting in August when the August schedule was as busy as it was.  But I think we are getting into a good routine now. It still has its challenges for sure but I know this is the right path for our family and its awesome to see how much the kids are learning and how capable each and every one of them are!  I cannot even believe I have kids in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade.  I'm starting to picture middle school in the not so far off future - wow! I am proud of these kids and how hard they work!