Life has gotten away from us yet again this year, but I am hopeful that I can get caught up on all of life's happenings this last month! It's been crazy, let me tell ya!
So first and foremost, we had some big milestones around here. Starting with Mr Malachi turning 9 years old. Yep, you read that, he's that old!
He had a combined party with his sister which made it a bit easier on mom and dad during what proved to be a crazy busy month!
As we do with each kid, we went out for a fun day with him! I didn't get many pictures of our time, but it included coffee, games, chik fil a, and ice cream! Oh and donuts and apple pie at his request!
Mr Malachi,
We love you and are so amazed at the kid you are! You're smart, funny, kind! We couldn't be more proud to call you our son! We have been so blessed to get the privilege of being your parents these past 9 years. Not a day goes by that I don't think about your birth mom in some capacity and wish that she could know all about the amazing kid you are! I can't wait to see you grow and change more this next year, I can't even believe we have a child who will be in the 4th grade! It is fun to be able to sit down and have real conversations with you as you get older and want that time with us! I can't wait to watch you continue to improve at piano and develop new skills in dance! You have some serious talents but the best part is just your genuinely kind spirit. You are so gentle and kind to everyone from the tiny baby to the elderly! You're a pretty darn cool kid and we love you so very much! Happy 9th Birthday!
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