Monday, August 6, 2018

1st Day of School

We are a little bit behind schedule this year, but still ahead of the schools so that's good! Today is our first official day of school, even though we've kind of been going here and there the last few weeks. This year included some big changes with the way we are approaching school and after a few weeks of testing out video school, I can already see the change is going to be awesome for us. It has removed a lot of the stress off my plate trying to bounce back and forth with all of them and trying to make sure they know everything. Now I just make sure they complete every assignment and step in and offer help when they have a question. They are loving it too and I can see that they are grasping concepts better. This was never something I pictured us doing when we began our homeschool journey but I can see the value in it and I am glad we decided to give it a try. I hope the rest of the year continues to go as well as the beginning has. 

You will also see that LB is not pictured even though she's going to be a full fledged preschooler this year. The reason for that is because we are really trying something new for her and sending her to a school this year, so her first day of school picture will be coming in about another month. Our goal is to always seek out what we feel is best for each of our kids and I really feel like we have adapted and made the changes we need to this year to see each of our children succeed!

So here we go! Homeschooling 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade and 1 starting her journey off in preschool!  Look how big all these kids are looking this year!