Monday, July 13, 2015

4th of July Weekend!

Warning, picture overload is to follow:  

After a very hot few weeks here, we decided a weekend to the coast was much needed.  But first a trip to Great-Grandma Keyser's for our traditional 4th of July BBQ.  

Little miss was very excited to celebrate her very first 4th of July! 

                                                               I love these little girlies!

                                                              LB LOVES giving kisses!

Then it was off to the river!

Our drive down to Coos Bay to Great Grandma Goodman's house was gorgeous!  The kids were actually the ones who pointed out how beautiful the sunset was! 

It was quite late when we pulled into Great Grandma's, The kids were real troopers on that long drive! 

The next morning we were off to the tide pools in Great Grandma's backyard. The kids had a great time exploring all the little creatures out there! 

                              Both mornings were spent eating yummy sour dough pancakes!

We had a really nice time, but it was quickly time to head on home.  On the way, we stopped at another beach.  It is always an extra special treat to get to be at the beach on a warm day!

Even LB LOVED the water, it was much warmer than usual! 

She's a lil beach bum for sure!  This was her very first trip to the ocean and she loved it! 

                                              It was a really fun family oriented weekend! We are blessed!