Somehow a month has passed so quickly as it seems to do and the littles one grow in the blink of an eye. We've thoroughly enjoyed our first month with our sweet little Lillybelle! She's just perfect! Here's a few pictures of our first month with her (can't velieve how vehind I am, vut with 4 kids that's to ve expected right?
Week 2:
Sabrina just adores her sister! I am just so impressed with how well she has handled this adjustment! She truly acts like another mommy! They are already forming an awesome sister bond!
This guy sure loves his baby sister too! He's so kind and gentle with her! If you wonder where Eli is, yes he loves her too but he's more in the camp of hardly even noticing she exists. If you know Eli, then you know that is just the way he is in general ;)
Now our sweet little princess is 1 month old! She's getting more alert during the day and I just know that first smile is just around the corner and I can't wait! She's pretty spoiled and get snuggled by someone for most of the day and she sure does love snuggling! She takes forever to wake up and does not like it when we try to wake her up. She's a little sleepy head much like her mommy!
She is now right at 6 pounds. I really thought she was bigger but I guess I'm just getting used to how little she is. She's under the 5th percentile for height and weight right now. I don't think that is too big of a deal right now as she was small to begin with and hopefully we will see her gain here soon. She was induced early in the first place due to being small and not really growing in utero so it makes sense that she might take awhile to catch up on the outside too.
She is still easily in newborn clothes and newborn diapers. She is eating 3-4 ounces at a time now. She does struggle with eating as is typical for smaller, early babies. I'm hoping she outgrows that soon because right now she makes a huge mess. She is doing pretty good at night so I really can't complain even if I am tired. She sleeps a good 4-6 hours at at a time during the night. We recently moved her into her own room as Peter was waking her up when he went to work in the morning so that has been a good transition.
She is just beautiful and perfect and we adore her. She's been just the addition our family needed and I want to pinch myself because my family couldn't be anymore perfect! We are blessed!